Best crime novels or Exercise- Lockdown Days Special

With the global pandemic triggering all starts of emotions in a person, it is getting stressful for many. While some are enjoying this time to the most. Some maybe swimming in the best mystery bookswhile others just don’t know what to do other than work/house chores. 

Common trends-



Since the lockdown started in most of the countries in the world, many took refuge in healthy regimens. The thought of having time to yourself at home increases the chances of creating new habits. And since health is the top priority for most, this chance cannot be missed. Doing yoga, meditation, and hand exercises for flexibility, mental peace, and weight loss/, muscle power respectively. 


Read books

Catching up on reading those new books stacked up on the shelf would be a good idea. Pick up those mystery books or horror thrillers and get ready to go in the mysterious world of supernatural things. Time just flies once you start reading a book. If you don’t have any, there are so many thriller books available online, you can order a few. 


Take out your inner chef


When you are staying home, food is the main priority. Eating regular boring food may seem very unenthusiastic. Take out your chef recipe books and have the time of your life cooking new sorts of dishes. It can be very therapeutic for many as this is a stressful time for all. But remember to wash all the ingredient packets. Anything that has had human contact needs to be sanitized thoroughly. 


Catching up with new games


The trends of new games like Ludo and others are taking up. Apps like Zoom have been doing the rounds. This will be a fun way to catch up with friends and family. This is a chance to have a different kind of fun via video calls and the advantages of the internet. 


There are so many hobbies you can take up or learn new things through online classes. It can be on painting, photography, writing, diets, and many more. If you have time in hand, you could catch up on these. Your suspense books or the music you wanted to learn are all easily available online. However, there is no pressure of constantly doing anything. If you must, it’s okay to just relax and enjoy each day as it comes.


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