How many books can one read?

This is the eternal question: How many books should can one read in a year? Usually, it depends on a person’s speed and interest in reading books. There are thriller novelsromantic books, literature, murder mystery booksphilosophical books, encyclopedias, and so much more. we can’t put a number on how much can one read really. 


Educated and affluent read the most


These are the kind of people who read books more often. There is so much knowledge that they seek. Sometimes people have the habit of reading a lot. They keep thinking about what to read next. Whether its crime thriller booksquantum physics, or history, they would want to read all kinds of books. 


Do older people read less?


While the data shows that people between the age of 12-30 read more books than people aged above 50. This can be due to physical problems and lower interests. But these data should not be used as per se. Different people have different life and opinions and health levels. If you want to take an average, yes, older people may read lesser than younger ones. It can be top mystery booksbiographies, psychological books, etc. 


The common notions of reading books


It is said that, even if you are reading 20 books in a year, you are still reading so much more than an average person. According to the Pew Research Center, the standard person in the U.S. reads about 12 books a year—but that figures won't help you if you read at a different speed than the average American.


You do not have to read 80 to 100 books a year. Pick a comfortable number of books you want to read and go after the strategies below to help you achieve that goal. One of the ways to boost the number of books you read each year is to set aside exact times each day for reading. If you want to read diverse genres, then plan that way too. You may be segregate the best crime novels and humorous fiction, separately, for example. 


There cannot be a specific answer to how many can a person read crime thrillers or how many they should. The only thing that matters is it should not be forced. You can go a long way to choose thriller authorsphilosophical mystery books for adults but it should be genuine love.


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